Graffiti, 2014, plaster + print, installation (site-specific) – dimension varies
The work could also be called »Graffiti under the fingers«. I have translated textual graffiti, drawn on walls of Ljubljana’s buildings, without any censorship, to tactile form, Braille. These “Graffiti” are white plaster casts fitted on Ljubljana façades; the only way to read them is to touch them… I enabled blind people to enter the dialogue with their environment. I believe that blind people live in the world determined by strict functionality and graffiti are a complete opposite of that. Their functionality is questionable and there are unnecessary for survival, yet they are necessary because making diversities.
With this work, I am thinking about the translation of visual and am alluding to the increasing popularisation of translation of artworks in art institutions. Rethinking sense or nonsense of translation. What do (blind) people get from these translations? What changes with translation? What happens when translating visual imagery to a tactile form, what happens when simply just rewriting a text? What does the translation take or add and in what way does it change the text or image?
